Concept Art & Storyboards

The Dare Cycle’s largest department, each member of our art team is given individual assignments to explore and take ownership of. Assignments include: (1) designing abstract shapes based on the main characters; (2) designing based on story themes; (3) finalizing character designs for our concept artist, Aaron Minier, who polishes the team’s ideas for a more professional presentation.

The art department won Gold at the 2022 American Advertising Federation Fort Wayne contest, for its collaboration with Minier under the Illustration: Concept Art category.

Our storyboards are produced much in the same way, but with more of an integral contribution from the photo/video department, utilizing contextual clues pulled from sentence descriptions.

It was you…

A rough draft of an early scene from the film. Voice-over includes work from Principal Cristy Jordan and our students. Storyboards: Aaron Minier.


Acting & Photo/Video


Design & Costume Design